
You’ll find information on all of the unique form fields Gecko supports below. To see them on a form, click here:

Field type Function Example Available to
Name Captures first and last name. Jane Doe Everyone
Email Captures email address. [email protected] Everyone
Telephone Captures telephone number. +44 1234 5678910 Everyone
Text - Single Line Captures a single line of text with a predetermined min/max length. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Everyone
Text - Multiple Lines Captures multiple lines of text with a predetermined min/max length. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Proin eget tortor risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Everyone
Dropdown - Single Choice Provides a dropdown picklist of options to users. Users can pick one option only. Choice 1 Everyone
Dropdown - Multiple Choice Provides a dropdown picklist of options to users. Users can select multiple values. Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3 Everyone
Radio - Single Choice Provides a radio button picklist to users. Users can select one option only. Choice 1 Everyone
Checkbox - Multiple Choice Provides a checklist picklist to users. Users can select multiple values. Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3 Everyone
Date Captures a date with a predetermined earliest/latest date. 01/01/1970 Everyone
Number Captures an integer. 42 Everyone
Address Captures an address (First line, second line, city, state, country, zipcode). 116 Dundas St, Edinburgh EH3 5DQ Everyone.
Hidden A hidden field which is unseen by form users. Helpful for pushing source values to CRM systems and tracking other meta-information. source=gecko_form Everyone
https://academy.geckoengage.com/en/articles/6935853-sharing-your-events#h_afc8e48ee7 Allows students to register for upcoming events/sessions. Can pull in individual events or multiple events belonging to a shared category. n/a Visit users. Web only.
Organisation Captures the organisation the user belongs to. Gecko High School Everyone
Form Section A header block to help organise the various sections of your form. About you Everyone
Text Block Displays a block of rich-text to students on the form. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus:


Field Type Function Example
Text (Single Line) Captures a single line of text. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.
Text (Multiple Line) Captures multiple lines of text. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Proin eget tortor risus.
Email Captures email address. [email protected]
Date Captures a date. 01/01/1970
Telephone Number Captures a telephone number. +44 1234 5678910
Number Captures an integer. 42
Single Choice Provides a dropdown picklist of options to users. Users can pick one option only. Choice 1
Multiple Choice Provides a dropdown picklist of options to users. Users can select multiple values. Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3
Display Statement Displays an uneditable written statement. Designed to show privacy/data usage policies when used on a Live-Chat pre-chat form. Proin eget tortor risus. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus.